Penny Nance, President
Today’s hearing was difficult for everyone. Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony was powerful, sincere and appropriately emotional. As a woman who is a victim of attempted rape and a physical assault, a member of the #MeToo movement, I still believe in the presumption of innocence for everyone.
The process was politicized from even before he was named when abortion activists held up signs opposing “XX (insert name).” After Judge Kavanaugh was named, they stooped to screaming and interrupting the hearings, dressing as handmaids (and not kidding, condoms) and disruptingsenate business by harassing senate members and staff.
The level of nastiness I have observed in the past few weeks is shocking. Add all of this to the games played by Senator Feinstein and Senate Democrats, and it becomes clear that the politics of personal destruction has made a mockery of the Senate. Senator Charles Grassley has donean heroic job of patiently working to be fair and thorough. Enough! It’s time to vote. And Concerned Women for America urges the swift confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.