Drew Brees, the all-pro quarterback for the New Orleans Saints, recorded a PSA for Focus on the Family’s “Bring Your Bible to School Day” campaign.

In today’s woke culture where words are violence he commits a cardinal sin.

Here’s the PSA:

“One of my favorite verses in the Bible is 2 Corinthians 5:7, ‘For we live by faith, not by sight.’ So I want to encourage you to live out your faith on Bring Your Bible to School Day and share God’s love with friends. You are not alone.”

Awful, how dare a Christian athlete record a PSA for a Christian organization encouraging Christian students to live out their faith! The nerve of that guy!

Some leftists, predictably, had a meltdown. Some have no idea what the word “cult” means and do not understand the First Amendment, namely the free exercise clause.

Then you have some people who will outright lie. Focus on the Family have not advocated for the death of those who are transgendered. What utter nonsense.

I have to admit that I don’t know what the “A” in LGBTQA means.

Then, apparently, Christians are in favor of bullying if they don’t toe the LGBTQ line, which is also untrue.

Now they’re trying to do what? Have Brees deny his faith? Condemn Focus on the Family for following what the Bible says about marriage, gender, and homosexuality?

And some in the LGBTQ crowd believes Focus on the Family is a terrorist organization.

Yes, seriously, a terrorist organization.

Also, we are told one forfeits being a role model if they record PSAs for Focus on the Family. Ironically, the point of him recording the video was to be a role model.

We are also told sharing the love of God is hate.

None of this is, unfortunately, surprising. Thankfully, Brees has not apologized or backtracked. He shouldn’t because he did nothing wrong. Hopefully, the Saints organization will have his back.

Bring Your Bible to School Day is October 3rd.

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