Lt. Col. Sargis Sangari discussed with Shane Vander Hart on the Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast how insurgency operations are conducted by groups like Antifa.

Sangari, a retired U.S. Army officer, is the founder and CEO of the Near East Center for Strategic Engagement. He saw extensive combat in the Middle East as a Special Operations Forces soldier and who, after retirement, continues to advise the fledgling Assyrian Christian Army in Iraq known as Dwekh Nawsha with his military expertise. (Read an in-depth bio here or here.)

He noted that fighting in Syria the Assyrian Army lost one of its commanders to a YPG ambush that included members of Antifa in their ranks. He discussed the roots of Antifa, how they are funded, organized, and how they’ve hijacked peaceful protests within the United States.

Sangari is also running as a Republican in the Illinois 9th Congressional District race.

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