On Monday, SOMETHiNG WICKED released a video targeting former Vice President Joe Biden’s past racially-charged comments and it is brutal.

It’s entitled “Joe Biden has a racism problem” and contains nothing but sound bites from the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

I noticed this video as President Donald Trump tweeted it yesterday.

Watch it below:

Will this cause someone to change their vote from Biden to Trump? Doubtful? Could videos like this (or ads if the GOP or Trump campaign is smart enough to purchase licensing to air this ad or one that is similar) suppress the votes of those on the fence? Maybe.

We’ll see, but the thing about videos like these that are made up of nothing but soundbites is that they are very, very hard to refute.

Obviously, Trump soundbites are opposition research gold for the Biden campaign and Democratic Party. Negative ads don’t impact a candidate’s base, but they are effective at dampening enthusiasm of those who are less committed to a candidate.

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