I thought I’d change things up a little.  I didn’t have much to say today (shocking I know), but I’m sure you do!  I’d like to try a little experiment and see how well this goes.

This is your post.  Feel free to post a comment on whatever is on your mind, a link you’d like to share, a question that you may have for Eric or myself, or if you just want to give a shout out.  The only thing I ask please, please, please no spamming.  I think there is a special place in hell for spammers (just kidding).  If people take advantage of this and comment a lot, we’ll do this every week.  If not, it’ll be gone!  Because there is nothing lamer than an open thread post with no comments.  So if you like stuff like this, don’t lurk, comment!

Sorry for the lame picture, but I just thought nothing embodies friendship better than Bambi and Thumper.

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