How Newt Gingrich still claims relevancy in this campaign is beyond me since he couldn’t even surpass the 50% threshold in his own home state of Georgia on Tuesday.  As he’s taking it easy in Alabama perhaps he’ll finally have to deal with political reality – this is a two person race between Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.  Gingrich is just getting in the way.  In keeping with my comments on the Super Tuesday results Rick Santorum is poised to take Alabama based on the latest poll.  Gingrich is in third place in a state he must win.

It’s certainly not a slam dunk however with almost 30% of Alabama Republicans being undecided (how can you be undecided at this point?):

The statewide poll conducted by Alabama State University’s Center for Leadership and Public Policy showed 22.7 percent of likely Republican voters supported Santorum, who is scheduled to make campaign appearances Thursday in Huntsville and Mobile.

Former Massachussetts Gov. Mitt Romney trailed Santorum with 18.7 percent, followed by Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House from neighboring Georgia, with 13.8 percent.

The telephone poll of 470 likely GOP voters showed 29.8 remained undecided and 15 percent saying they intended to support other candidates. The poll did not ask voters whether they supported Ron Paul, the Texas congressman seeking the GOP nomination…

…But the poll results indicate that support for Gingrich is waning in Alabama, according to ASU political science professor Thomas Vocino.

“The numbers are just not in his favor, and the trend is working against him,” Vocino said. “I can’t foresee a situation where he can rebound and win in Alabama.”

Gingrich it’s time to say “adieu”.

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