Well the Senate killed the Automaker bailout, but the Bush Administration wants to keep hope alive.  The automakers want $14 Billion to help them with keep going through just one quarter next year.  My question is what then?  They can’t/won’t restructure in order to cut expenses – will they be back again with hat in hand?  Yes.  Giving them a bailout will do nothing to solve their fundamental organizational problems.

With the $14 Billion bailout being killed, the Bush Administration is now talking about using the $700 Billion bailout passed a little while ago.  President Bush himself said that:

I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system.”

HT: Michelle Malkin

Domestic Divapalooza says its time to call the White House since this this is basically in his hands.  The number is (202) 456-1414

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