Every Man's Battle_lowI’ve finally completed a review of Steve Arterburn & Fred Stoeker’s book, Every Man’s Battle.  This book has been out for a while; it was first published in 2000, with a study guide coming in 2002. Since that time, various editions have been put out by Multnomah. This is a re-release from WaterBrook, a subdivision of Multnomah/Random House that has the study guide included with the book.

I find that this book hits a nerve with men:the temptation and lure of sexual sin. How can I battle against such a strong foe? How can I be free from the bondage to this sin? It’s very relevant, given the number of men within the church who struggle with some type of sexual addiction, but especially that to pornography.

While the books does have its good points and parts, I think it really misses the mark. “Bouncing the eyes” is the main solution the authors have to offer–in other words, when you see something suggestive that tempts you, bounce your eyes somewhere else. Not bad, but with the all-pervasive sphere of our visual culture, I’m just not sure this is going to work at all. Besides, I had an Old Testament prof in college who told of how the Pharisees would do this, literally, whenever they saw a woman, suggestively clothed or not. They would literally turn toward a wall (he would jokingly add that was why so many of them had such large noses, from breaking them by running into walls all the time). What this becomes is just another law that slays us.

The authors talk about the cross only minimally and when they do, they seem to assume that the reader is familiar with the cross, Christ’s work upon the cross on your behalf and the power it brings to bear upon your life in Christ. I think this is a dangerous assumption.

You can hear more details about my review by viewing the video book review I’ve just posted over at Random Thoughts From a Cluttered Mind.

Go easy on me; this is my first video review!

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