file000303654817Not good news as the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act draws near.

Sean Hackbarth at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s blog reports:

Consulting company Deloitte will release a study today that estimates that that almost one in ten companies will drop coverage in the next three years. “Around 81% were planning to continue providing benefits, and 10% weren’t sure,” according to a Wall Street Journal story.

The percentage of companies dropping coverage could triple, because they’re uncertain about how the health care law will be implemented:

But around one in three respondents said they could decide to stop offering health coverage if they find that the law requires them to provide more generous benefits than they do at the moment; if a tax on high-cost plans takes effect in 2018 as scheduled; or if they conclude that the cost of penalties for not providing insurance could be less expensive than paying for benefits.

A third of companies will drop and we’ll be on our way to a single-payer system which is what liberals want anyway.   If employers drop health insurance employees are looking at having to pay $13,000 more for their insurance.

Hope and change, people, hope and change.

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