top25-200As 2012 comes to a close we wanted to highlight our top 25 posts written in 2012 based on number of visits according to our Google Analytics.  Because of the Presidential election it isn’t surprising that political posts, especially posts about the presidential campaigns, dominated the list.

  1. Romney, The Press and Public Land by Shane Vander Hart (7/30/12)
  2. CRPD Treaty Fails Ratification Vote by Shane Vander Hart (12/4/12)
  3. Trickle-down Economics: Does It Work? by John Gustavsson (8/6/12)
  4. If Obama Wins: My Prediction by John Gustavsson (8/17/12)
  5. The David Barton Controversy by Shane Vander Hart (8/16/12)
  6. I’m Dumping Starbucks by Shane Vander Hart (3/26/12)
  7. BGEA No Longer Considers Mormonism a Cult by Shane Vander Hart (10/20/12)
  8. Chick-fil-A and Double Standards by Tom Thurlow (8/1/12)
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