toiletpaper The Cubans lack toilet paper reports the Miami Herald:

The toilet paper shortage is no joking matter for Cubans.

Toilet paper is not included in the ration card that covers basic goods at highly subsidized prices, so Cubans have long been forced to buy their supplies at so-called “hard currency stores” or use alternatives — Chinese and North Korean magazines have been a favorite because of their soft paper.

On Tuesday, a pack of four Cuban-manufactured toilet paper rolls was selling in Havana stores for the equivalent of about 28 pesos, or about two days’ salary for the average worker.

“Right now almost all the stores are out of it, and it’s a miracle that I found it,” said a Havana retiree, who asked for anonymity to avoid problems with authorities, in a telephone interview from Miami.

Cuban officials quoted earlier this month in the official Radio Rebelde predicted “an important importation of toilet paper” by the end of the year “to supply this demand that today is presenting problems.” (read the rest)

If they were allowed to protest, could you imagine if town hall meetings were held there?  At least they found a good use for newspapers.  Perhaps this will hasten the fall of communism?

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