After who knows exactly how much taxpayer money wasted, the IOC was not impressed with President Obama’s pitch to them to choose Chicago as a host city for the 2016 Olympics.  They were cut in the first round.

Unemployment numbers were higher than expected and our unemployment rate nationally is now 9.8% as 263,000 jobs were lost in September.  This doesn’t even consider how many people who have been laid off settled for part-time employment.  I’m sure glad that stimulus package is working.

And it doesn’t seem that talks with Iran went quite as well as President Obama indicated as news of disputes surfaced today.

Iran accepted a demand Thursday at the talks in a villa outside Geneva to allow U.N. inspectors into its covertly built enrichment plant, in a move that appeared to defuse tensions that had been building for weeks.

Western officials at the session said the Islamic republic had also agreed to allow Russia to take some of its enriched uranium and enrich it to higher levels for its research reactor in Tehran, a potentially significant move that would show greater flexibility by both sides.

U.S. President Barack Obama noted the deal in comments on the meeting. But Mehdi Saffare, Iran’s ambassador to Britain, and a member of the Iranian delegation at the talks told The Associated Press the issue had "not been discussed yet." Asked if Iran had accepted, he replied: "No, no!"

Methinks they were having some communication problems there in Geneva.  Obama’s probably looking forward to the weekend, and I have to say I’m loving this hope and change, aren’t you?

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