
(Des Moines, IA) The Iowa GOP State Convention was called to order. I’ll be here throughout the day to provide updates.  The most recent update will be at the top. Be sure to refresh your browser. We are at the Varied Industries Building at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, IA.

2:39p – Platform as amended was adopted by voice vote, and with that we’re pretty much done with the exception of hearing the report from the junior delegates. I think I’m signing off. Thanks for following along folks.

2:36p – Here is the presidential elector vote count.

2:33p – The plank dealt with more than the TSA.  Can’t hear very well in the cheap seats.

2:32p – The TSA plank passed by voice vote.

2:25p – Plank about abolishing the TSA is being debated now.

2:20p – I have no idea what plank is being debated now, but it lost.

2:15p – The anti-Common Core plank passes 887 to 462.

2:12p – Voice vote was close, they’re voting using the electronic devices.

2:07p – Debate on a plank addressing Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards and data collection. Platform committee is against it, they say the principle is generally covered. I’m not entirely sure where that is. I do hope the convention passes this.

2:02p – The at-large delegate slate was approved by voice vote (other delegates were voted on at district conventions):

  • State Senator Bill Anderson
  • Governor Terry Branstad
  • Robert Cramer
  • Bryan English
  • State Senator Randy Feenstra
  • Carol Hanson
  • Cody Hofert
  • Congressman Steve King
  • Marlys Popma
  • Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds
  • Richard Rogers
  • Loras Schulte
  • Cecil Stinemetz
  • Speaker Linda Upmeyer
  • Bob Vander Plaats

Alternate delegates:

  • Chelle Adkins
  • Shellie Bockenstedt
  • Joseph Brown
  • Mary Dorin
  • State Senator Dennis Guth
  • Rose Jaeger
  • Jeff King
  • Maurice McWhirther
  • David Oman
  • Kay Quirk
  • Donna Robinson
  • Jennifer Smith
  • Heather Stancil
  • Linda Stickle
  • Craig Williams

1:55p – No controversial platform planks that I can see glancing through. I wished there was a clear anti-national education standards plank. There is an Article V Convention plank, and I don’t think that has been in the platform before.

1:5op – Electing Presidential Electors… hearing the nomination speeches is about as exciting as watching paint dry.

1:41p – Rick Bertrand had a huge ad run for him in the delegate handout. Good luck there buddy. I don’t think he’s speaking today.


1:40p – Tamara Scott is running unopposed for National Committeewoman.

1:39p – Steve Scheffler wins reelection easily. 1107 to 372

1:24p – National Committeeman race, Dave Dicks was nominated by his wife Tina. Steve Scheffler was nominated by Congressman Steve King. I don’t foresee Scheffler losing reelection.

12:46p – Yeah the half hour given for lunch wasn’t happening… Some pics.

The lunch line.
The lunch line.
This is the electronic voting device delegates were given.
This is the electronic voting device delegates were given.
Tamara Scott has swag.
Tamara Scott has swag.
Ran into Congressman Rod Blum at lunch.
Ran into Congressman Rod Blum at lunch.
Lunch from Smokey Ds.
Lunch from Smokey Ds.

12:10p – LUNCH!!!!!! Yay!!!!!

12:06p – Peters advocates for campaign finance reform and restore the idea of a citizen legislator.

12:04p – Peters: I’d like to restore the ideal of civil discourse.

12:02p – Peters says he is running for his kids and his concern about the national debt.

12:00p – Dr. Christopher Peters, the Republican candidate in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District, addresses the convention.

11:58a – Blum says that Republicans must be unified, but appealed to delegates to at least get behind state and local candidates.

11:56a – Blum: Whether it is President Trump or President Clinton, the President of the United States is not above the Constitution.

11:54a – Blum addressing economic issues, spending, and debt.

11:48a – Congressman Rod Blum is now addressing the convention.

11:47a – Rules approved, proposed amendment was shot down. Rules are pretty standard looking through them.

11:41a – We may have a fight over rules.

11:36a – Now we’re getting into the committee reports, etc.

11:32a – I was given this when coming in. Hmm…


11:29a – Unless I missed it Young did not do a rah, rah Trump thing… heresy…

11:25a – Young says he is having his paycheck withheld until a budget is passed.

11:23a – Young: Congress has not passed a budget, but Congress is still getting paid. That doesn’t seem right to me, and I know it doesn’t seem right to you. No budget, not pay.

11:22a – Congressman David Young comes to the stage. Hope to ask him about that vote switch the other day.

11:20a – Grassley said Trump must show he will appoint good judges to the Supreme Court.

11:16a – Grassley: Some of you may have heard that I’m involved in an issue dealing with the Supreme Court. Huge applause.

11:15a – Grassley cautions against third term for Obama.

11:12a – Grassley says he appreciates Iowans sending Joni Ernst to the United States Senate.

11:11a – U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley gets a standing ovation when he is introduced.

11:10a – Probably one of the more subdued speeches I’ve seen Reynolds give.

11:06a – Reynolds contrasts Republicans with Democrats. Says Republicans need to unite. Brings up Obama’s assault on religious liberty. Says we need to have a President who respects states rights and federalism.

11:01a – Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds is up… Iowa Republicans are ready to fight and ready to win.

10:59a – King acknowledges division in the party says he is working with the Donald Trump campaign on conservative issues so those who are leery of him can support him.

10:57a – King said let’s elect this Republican slate.

10:55a – King: We have a nation to put together.

10:53a – Congressman Steve King is up. Crowd favorite along with Joni Ernst.

10:51a – Cody Hoefert… Never Hillary… drink…

10:49a – Ernst’s remarks on WOTUS were well received by a lot of farmers who are impacted by it.

10:48a – Ernst.. Never Hillary… drink… Unity… drink…

10:46a – Ernst had a tepid response when she said Congress fixed No Child Left Behind. A lot of grassroots conservatives were against the Every Student Succeeds Act. Probably not a winning talking point.

10:44a – Ernst: We need to send Chuck Grassley back to the Senate. We need to toe the line on the Supreme Court nominees.

10:43a – Ernst we are adding all sorts of people to the party who has never turned out ever before.

10:41a – U.S. Senator Joni Ernst is up.

10:39a – We could do a drinking game with the terms “unity” and “make America great again.”

10:36a – Branstad – let’s make America great again… I guess everyone is adopting Trump messaging… Well, hopefully not all of their messaging.

10:34a – Acoustics suck in here. It is hard to hear when speakers yell w/ clapping. I may have to make some stuff up… (just kidding)

10:33a – Branstad… unity…

10:32a – Branstad recounts when he read a book about conservatism, and how he became a conservative in college.

10:31a – Governor Terry Branstad is on stage pointing out delegates that he knows. Wonder why he’s been elected six terms? This is one of the reasons why. He said he has to leave early for a memorial service.

10:25a – Jeff Kaufmann, Chair of the Iowa GOP, said the party is unified. He’s never Hillary. Donald Trump is far better. He brings up the danger of leaving Supreme Court nominations to Hillary Clinton. Unity… Never Hillary… in typical vigorous Kaufmann style.

10:12a – Mike Demastus, pastor of Ft. Des Moines Church of Christ, gave the invocation which probably made Iowa Governor Terry Branstad a little uncomfortable. He prayed for courage for the governor to remove his office’s name from the LGBTQ student conference. Then prayed he would stand up to the transgender edict from the White House.

10:10a – Iowa GOP Co-Chair Cody Hoefert said in his opening remarks that Republicans need to work together to elect Donald Trump in order to make America great again.

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