The Tea Party Express stopped in Searchlight, NV in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s back yard (almost literally).

Fox News reported on this event:

Fewer taxes, less government and no "Obamacare."

That’s the message thousands of conservative Tea Party activists were hoping to send to Washington as they streamed into Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s hometown in Nevada Saturday morning.

"Harry Reid is symbolic of the problems in Washington in the sense that he’s been the leader in the Senate of all the things we’ve been against — expanding the government, increasing the deficit, and raising taxes," Sal Russo, chief strategist of the Tea Party Express, told

"He campaigned as a moderate but has moved so far to the left," Russo said of Reid. "Voters are tolerate of different views, but what they don’t like is when someone campaigns one way and then governs by another."

The Tea Party Express, one of the most visible factions of the national Tea Party Movement, officially kicked off its cross-country, 42-city bus tour with Saturday’s rally.

Senator Reid is majorly vulnerable as he trails both GOP hopefuls in the latest poll.  We know that elections have consequences, as we have well learned from the outcome in 2008.  Senate votes have consequences as well.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was a keynote speaker for the event today, you can watch her speech below:


Video HT: The Right Scoop via Texas 4 Palin

She discussed numerous topics and she specifically addressed the media’s meme this week that she and other conservative leaders are inciting violence and expressing concern about tea party violence.  She said:

We’re not inciting violence.  Don’t get sucked into the lamestream media’s lies about conservative America’s standing up for freedom as inciting violence.  Violence isn’t the answer.  It’s a bunch of bunk what the media is trying to feed you.  Don’t let them divert attention from the debate.  Media, you guys ginning up an issue like that making it sound like it is a crowd like this of patriotic Americans who are inciting violence.  It’s not true, it’s a bunch of bunk, and we ask for some fair and balanced reporting coming from you please.

Apparently though it was Harry Reid’s supporters who were inciting violence.  Interesting.  I doubt that’ll make it in The New York TimesPolitico reported 20,000 in attendance at this event four miles north of this small town in the Nevada desert.  Conservatives 4 Palin noted that President Obama drew “hundreds” (or up to 3000) to his kickoff event in liberal Iowa City for his first stop of his temporary victory tour.

Who do you think is more energized?

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