Church Buildings

I recently learned that a more affluent church I know of may…

Glenn Beck, the Religious Left and Social Justice

Glenn Beck stirred up some controversy this week when he made the…

What About Socialization?

When my wife and I decided to homeschool our kids we were…

Condoms for 12-year-olds

The UK Telegraph reports that a company is Switzerland is making extra-small…

Unsocialized Homeschoolers

I was preparing this afternoon for a radio interview that I will…

To Avoid Shipwreck and Provide For Our Posterity

I was in Boston last week for a training for the organization…

Publicā€“Private Pay Disparity

Yesterday as I was leaving the hotel I was staying in while…

Obama Wants a Health Care Lifeline – Reconciliation

President Barack Obama seeks to push a vote on health care reform. …

Palin on Leno

Former Governor Sarah Palin appeared on Jay Lenoā€™s ā€œdebutā€ back in his…

Follow-up: Iowa Senate Closes Loophole That Allowed Minors to Strip

Just wanted to follow-up on an issue that Iā€™ve taken up this…

Does the Second Amendment Apply to States & Municipalities?

The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing a case tomorrow regarding Chicagoā€™s handgun…

Three More State Representatives Endorse Rod Roberts for Governor

State Representative and Gubernatorial Candidate Rod Roberts (R-Carroll) announced today that State…

Narcisse to Primary Culver

Jonathan Narcisse, former Des Moines School board member and publisher of The…

Debunking the ā€œRoberts Isnā€™t a Leaderā€ Meme

The one candidate that has largely been without critics in Iowaā€™s Gubernatorial…

Calvin’s View of Piety

Chuck Colson in his BreakPoint commentary yesterday highlighted the The Institutes of…

Giving Culver Props for Visiting Iraq

Graham Gillette, a contributor on The Des Moines Registerā€™s Across the Spectrum…