Todd Palin’s Emails

Yesterday MSNBC released emails that Todd Palin exchanged with state officials (including…

Trusting God’s Judgment

Many in our culture seem to have the attitude that God owes…

Liberal Bias Masquerading As News

Lynda Waddington of the Iowa Independent broke the story last week that…

Obama’s Plea for Civility

I’m not really a fan of the National Prayer Breakfast.  I see…

Personhood Amendment Filed in Iowa

A House Joint Resolution (HJR 2003) was filed in the Iowa House…

Gasp! Palin Uses Book as PAC Donation Incentive

ABC News broke a “news story” yesterday… News Flash!  SarahPAC paid more…

What Is The Best Approach? Executive Order vs. Constitutional Convention for an Iowa Marriage Amendment

Following up on yesterday’s death match and Craig Robinson looked no worse…

I’m Seeing Red

Another example of why President Obama lacks credibility, in particular when he…

Deace-Robinson Death Match

Ok, I’m exaggerating a little.  There is an interesting debate going on…

The Distinction Between Liberal Religion and Fundamentalist Faith

I can’t say it is very often (if at all in the…

Governor Branstad is His Own Worst Enemy

Just when I was starting to warm up a little  to former Governor…

Iowa 3rd Congressional District Candidates Sound Off on the State of the Union

Two of the Republican candidates vying for Congressman Leonard Boswell’s seat sounded…

The State of the Union’s Recycled Rhetoric

I missed watching the whole State of the Union speech live last…

Lecturer-In-Chief Chides Supreme Court

President Barack Obama decided to chide the Supreme Court of the United…

Caffeinated Thoughts Interview: Independent Gubernatorial Candidate Jonathan Narcisse

The last time I sat down with former Des Moines School Board…

Schawarzenegger: Let’s Build Prisons In Mexico

Governor Arnold Schawarzenegger spoke off the cuff with reporters (which is never…