Homosexuality, the Gospel, and Repentance

Shane Vander Hart: You can’t repent of what the Bible calls sin while at the same time, call it good and right and say that God made you that way.

Jerry Falwell Jr. Was Wrong to Insult David Platt

Kelvey Vander Hart: Jerry Falwell Jr. professes Christ, and that makes his insulting tweet toward Pastor David Platt very wrong.

Is a Young Universe Nonsense?

Phil Bair: It seems we cannot weasel out of the idea of apparent age no matter what we do, no matter what we think, no matter what theories we endorse or scorn.

Principled Pragmatism Should Define Christian Political Involvement

Kelvey Vander Hart: Do not sacrifice tightly held Christian principles just to achieve a political win.

Netflix’s Wokeness in the Abortion Debate

Netflix announced that it may boycott Georgia because of their fetal heartbeat abortion ban. Most Americans want companies to be neutral in the culture wars.

Why Reporting on the Abortion Debate Is Skewed

Shane Vander Hart: The media has followed the lead of abortion advocacy groups in sanitizing the language of abortion to shape public opinion.

The New (Old) Bigotry

Phil Bair: If even a few people can avoid the confusion between bigotry and integrity, we are further along than we were before.

A Pastoral Response to Erick Erickson’s “Confession”

Rev. Bryan Peters appeals to Erick Erickson to reconsider the treacherous path which he has taken in advocating for a rape exception for abortion.

The Life of the Mother Myth

Phil Bair: If we accept the faulty premise that some abortions are medically necessary some unscrupulous doctors may leverage these exceptions as loopholes.

Unborn Children Conceived in Rape Deserve Protection

Shane Vander Hart: Abortion perpetuates the violence and victimization of the original rape. It creates two victims out of one.

Christian Patriotism

Phil Bair: God takes priority over country, but loyalties to both are not necessarily incompatible.

Ethical Altruism Is Detrimental to American Society

Kelvey Vander Hart: Ethical altruism seeks to disrupt Americans’ everyday generosity and wrongly emphasizes the big picture over the individual.

The Masculine and the Feminine

Phil Bair: Masculinity and femininity are equal—but they are by no means equivalent. If they were, God would not have “made them male and female.”

The Poisons of Progressivism

Phil Bair: Make no mistake: there is nothing admirable or compassionate about progressive culture.

Marx Attacks!

Phil Bair: The Marxists of today believe in class struggle just like Karl Marx did in his day, but they recognize that it won’t naturally happen on its own.

Film Review: Unplanned

Adam Graham: Unplanned portrays the power of God’s grace to women who’ve had abortions, and to those who’ve been involved in the abortion industry.