Gender Neutrality Goes to Washington

Colin Smothers: At some point in the past decade, the battle of the sexes seems to have given way to a war on the sexes and Washington has joined the fray.

Biden’s Calls for Unity Don’t Line Up With His Actions

Joni Ernst: President Biden’s actions do not honor the promise he made to unify Americans throughout his campaign, and again on Inauguration Day.

All Republicans Need to Hear This Message from Ben Sasse

Shane Vander Hart: The rage directed at Ben Sasse is not about abandoning principles or conservative policy, but about not bending a knee to Trump, that’s wrong.

In the Post Trump Era: Look to Coolidge as a Guide

John Hendrickson: In a post-President Trump era both Republicans and conservatives can learn from the principles and philosophy of President Coolidge.

Over 62,500,000 Lives Lost and a President Who Celebrates It

Shane Vander Hart: After 62.5 estimated lives lost to abortion, President Joe Biden wants to expand abortion access, have taxpayers pay for it, and see Roe v. Wade codified.

Those Who Impeached Trump Owe Americans An Apology

Donald Bohlken: Those who impeached Trump failed to ascertain the facts and impeached a President because he exercised his First Amendment rights.

Presidents Come and Go, the Administrative State Rolls On

Shane Vander Hart: Inauguration Day is a great reminder that anything Presidents do by executive action never last, but the Administrative State continues to grow and expand.

Gun Rights Sanctuary Counties: Following Camden County, Missouri’s Lead

Pat Nicklaus: It’s time conservatives and Constitutionalists use anti-commandeering protections to reaffirm Constitutionally protected rights.

Franklin Graham Spread Malicious Gossip Against Pro-Impeachment Republicans

Adam Graham: Rev. Franklin Graham should individually and publicly apologize to the ten Republican members of Congress he targeted with his reckless statement.

Bohlken: House Impeachment Vote Is Lawless

Donald Bohlken: The House of Representatives held a snap impeachment debate and vote that is lawless and based on an obviously false proposition.

Just Let President Trump Finish His Term

Shane Vander Hart: Calls for the president’s cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment and now talk about removing him through impeachment are wrongheaded and will further divide us.

Vice President Pence Can’t Reject Electoral Votes

Shane Vander Hart: Vice President Mike Pence does not have the power to reject electoral votes, the Constitution does not give him that power.

How To Ruin A Biblical Prayer

Shane Vander Hart: U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver prayed a prayer that most Christians could pray in agreement and then ruined it with wokeness at the end.

Bohlken: It’s Not Over

In a rebuttal to a recent op/ed of Shane Vander Hart’s, Donald Bohlken says Congress can object to and reject a state’s electoral college vote.

Rand Paul’s Annual Festivus Rant Talks Congress, COVID, and Spending

Kelvey Vander Hart: Miss Senator Rand Paul’s annual Festivus rant? Here’s our recap.

Governors Feel ‘Seismic Shift’ in Free Exercise Law

9th Circuit Judge: “The Supreme Court’s recent decision in Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo arguably represented a seismic shift in Free Exercise law.”