Iowa House Republicans Elect Leadership Team for 89th General Assembly
Iowa House Republicans re-elect Pat Grassley as Speaker, Matt Windschitl as Majority Leader, John Wills as Speaker Pro Tem, and Mike Sexton as Majority Whip.
Myers: One of the Most Disheartening Things About Biden’s Apparent Win
Brian Myers: What I find really disheartening is knowing that nothing will be done about what may well have been the biggest corruption scandal in my lifetime.
Iowa Senate Republicans Select Whitver as Majority Leader, Chapman as Senate President
Iowa Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver said the pro-growth, pro-job policies Iowa Senate Republicans pursued are paying off and they want to build on that.
U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, won re-election to a second term defeating her Democratic challenger, Theresa Greenfield, 51.8 percent to 45.1 percent.
President Donald Trump defeated former Vice President Joe Biden 53.2 percent to 45 percent in Iowa with several battleground states still too close to call.