Shane Vander Hart: Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg said in 2014 that our founders “did not understand that slavery was a bad thing.” He’s wrong.
A EWTN/Real Clear Politics poll shows President Trump trailing in every head to head match-up with Democrats among U.S. Catholics, but 54 percent are open to vote for him.
U.S. Senator Kamala Harris suspended her presidential campaign citing a lack of funds to continue with no path forward to win the Democratic nomination.
Elizabeth Warren Pushes Big Structural Change in West Des Moines
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., shared her vision for big structural change with hundreds of Iowa voters at the Val Air Ballroom in West Des Moines.
State Senator Claire Celsi Promotes Elizabeth Warren’s Public School Plan
Iowa State Senator Claire Celsi says Elizabeth Warren’s plan that would drastically expand a federal role in K-12 education hits “all the right notes.”
Episode 91: A Pro-Family Agenda for 2020 and Beyond
Shane Vander Hart speaks with Terry Schilling of American Principles Project about their report that encourages Republicans to adopt a pro-family agenda.
Mark Sanford Suspends Campaign That Was Nonexistent in Iowa
Mark Sanford’s short-lived presidential campaign was virtually non-existent in Iowa after taking one trip here after announcing his entry into the race.
The latest poll of likely Iowa Democrat caucus-goers by Monmouth University shows Pete Buttigieg now leads the field, but many are still open to other candidates.
Biden Outlines Plan to Keep “Sacred Obligation” to Vets
Former Vice President Joe Biden introduced his plan to keep America’s sacred obligation to veterans and their families at a town hall event in Oskaloosa, Iowa.
Tulsi Gabbard unloads on Hillary Clinton after Clinton said the Russians are grooming her for a third party run to help President Trump win re-election.