Paul Ryan: Taxpayer Money to Planned Parenthood is Fungible
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) during CNN’s town hall said that money is fungible. Taxpayer money for Planned Parenthood allows them to use other money for abortions.
The Iowa House voted 56 to 42 on the appropriations bill for Health and Human Services, that included provisions to remove funding for abortion providers.
Legislators Urge Iowa AG Tom Miller to Investigate State Abortion Providers
41 Iowa House and Senate Republicans delivered a letter to AG Tom Miller, urging his office to investigate the practices of abortion providers in the state.
2012, A Sequel to Planned Parenthood’s Most Difficult Year? I Hope So!
If 2011 was a bad year for Planned Parenthood with Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s decision to sever their funding it looks like 2012 could be even worse.