Jim Sedlak Headlines Prolife Events in Council Bluffs and Red Oak

Jim Sedlak, international speaker and author, headlines community-wide events in Council Bluffsā€¦

Major Study Concludes Planned Parenthood Services Donā€™t Reduce Teen Pregnancy

A major study finds that there is no correlation with Planned Parenthood community presence and reduced teen pregnancy.

New Rules for HHS Contraceptives Mandate Excludes Hobby Lobby

Proposed rules announced by Kathleen Sebelius for the HHS contraceptives mandate brodens definition of ā€œreligious employer, but excludes companies owned by people of faith.

Findings: Abortion Not Necessary to Save Motherā€™s Life

International Symposium on Maternal Health held in Dublin, Ireland, confirms that abortion is NOT a medical necessity

Catholics Shift Away from Obama, Democratic Party

Catholics are a major voting block, and one that canā€™t be pigeonholedā€¦

Planned Parenthood Throws Komen Under The (Pink) Bus

Susan G. Komen for the Cure announced this week that it willā€¦