Wurman: Common Core Slows American Students’ Math Progression

Ze’ev Wurman, author of a new paper and former senior adviser at U.S. Department of Education, says Common Core Math slows down students’ math progression.

Arne Duncan Seeks to Ensure Equal Distribution of School Resources

Arne Duncan announced guidance for school districts & states on what the USDED will consider economic and racial disparity in schools and how to fix it.

Thank You for a Great First Briefing

The first Caffeinated Thoughts Briefing is in the books, we have a great foundation to build upon for next year, and there are a lot of people to thank.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio – 9-6-14

Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers talk to Chelsen Vicari about the influence of the Evangelical Left on Millenials & Steve Lonegan talks monetary policy.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio – 7-19-14

Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers talk education with Jenni White of Restore Oklahoma Public Education and Jane Robbins of American Principles Project.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio – 6-21-14

Faith McDonnell with the Institute on Religion and Democracy discusses Meriam Ibrahim; Kate Bryan with American Principles Project discusses Common Core.

Bobby Jindal Orders Louisiana Out of Common Core

Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) said he wants Louisiana out of the Common Core State Standards Initiative and its contract with their assessment consortium PARCC.

Oklahoma, South Carolina Drop Common Core State Standards

Governors Nikki Haley (R-SC) and Mary Fallin (R-OK) signed legislation in the last week that dropped the Common Core State Standards from their states.

Study Finds that New Technology, Relaxation of Protections Threaten Student Privacy

PIoneer Institute published “Cogs in the Machine: Big Data, Common Core, and National Testing” written by Emmett McGroarty, Joy Pullmann and Jane Robbins.

Latino Conservative Leader: Congress & Obama Have Ignored People of Puerto Rico

Washington, D.C. – Prominent statehood leader, Dr. Ricardo Rossello, filed a complaint…

Grassroots Groups Push NGA Chair Mary Fallin to End Common Core

Several grassroots groups are urging Gov. Mary Fallin (R-OK), Chair of the National Governors Association, to end the Common Core State Standards Initiative

Media Research Center Launches ‘MRC Latino’ First Spanish-Language Conservative Media Watchdog

The Media Research Center launched MRC Latino at a symposium co-sponsored by the American Principles Project’s Latino Partnership at the Newseum in Washington, DC.

Common Core Debated in the Iowa House

(Des Moines, IA) There were two subcommittee meetings scheduled on Wednesday in…

Chuck Grassley: Fed Involvement in Common Core Undermines Federalism

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) in a Pioneer Institute/American Principles Project white paper criticized the federal coercision present with the Common Core.

9.7 Million Twitter Users Reached During #StopCommonCore Twitter Rally

9,788,450 Twitter users to #StopCommonCore to call on ordinary citizens to join and lobby for repeal of Common Core State Standards.

It’s Inflation, Stupid!

American Principles Project on Tuesday released a new paper by Marc A. Miles, Ph.D., that challenges the claim by the Federal Reserve that inflation is low.