A Sherman in the South ā€“ Time to Get Rid of the Stars and Bars

Steve C. Sherman: Forget Kneeling for the Anthemā€¦Stop Flying the Rebel Flag!

Iowa GOP Chair Throws Fuel on Marion County GOP Confederate Flag Fire

Iowa GOP Chair Jeff Kaufmann’s comments were just as “juvenile and stupid” as the Marion County GOP Confederate flag incident he was referring to.

Lay Down the Confederate Flag

Shane Vander Hart: If the Confederate flag offends my African-American brothers and sisters in Christ why in the world would I want to defend it?

The Southern Battle Flag is not about Slavery anymore

Keith Rockefeller: If Southerners want to fly the Confederate Battle flag in its various forms it is their right and they should just be left alone.

The Danger of Mob Rule on the Confederate Flag

Adam Graham: The fate of the Confederate flag should be up to people who actually live in the South and decided through real debate and civil discussion.