Episode 26: Emmett McGroarty Discusses the REINS Act

On this episode of The Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast, host Shane Vander Hart and Emmett McGroarty, a senior fellow with American Principles Project and co-author of Deconstructing the Administrative State, discuss the REINS Act.

Trump to CEOs: “Common Core
 We Have to End It”

President Donald Trump during a CEO Townhall broke his silence on the Common Core State Standards since taking office in January to reaffirm his promises.

Obama’s Unconstitutional Power Grab Over School Bathrooms

The Obama Administration says all schools receiving Title IX money must allow access to sex-segregated activities and facilities based on gender identity.

ESEA Reauthorization Clears U.S. House

The U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) on a 359 to 64 vote.

Video: Cruz, Fiorina and Santorum at Practical Federalism Forum

Watch the live stream of Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina and Rick Santorum at “Practical Federalism Forum” in Hooksett, NH today from 10:00a – 4:30a (ET).

Jeb Bush, John Kasich Receive Failing Grade on Common Core

Jeb Bush and John Kasich receive an F on a Common Core score card released by ThePulse2016, American Principles in Action, and Cornerstone Policy Research.

Live Blog: The Fox News GOP Debate

Caffeinated Thoughts is partnering with The Pulse 2016 to provide live blog coverage of the first GOP presidential debate hosted by Fox News in Cleveland, OH.

U.S. Senate Passes No Child Left Behind Rewrite

The U.S. Senate passed 81 to 17 S. 1177, the Every Child Achieves Act, a bill advocates says “fixes” No Child Left Behind while critics say it isn’t enough.

Practical Federalism Forum in Des Moines on May 16th

Following a successful New Hampshire conference, American Principles Project is moving on to Iowa to host its 2nd “Practical Federalism Forum” on May 16th.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 2-28-15

Brian Myers and Steve Riker talk with Emmett McGroarty about the attempt to “fix” No Child Left Behind, plus Shane Vander Hart calls in from CPAC.

Activists Rally Against Two Fed Education Bills

Opposition to H.R. 5 the Student Success Act (NCLB reauthorization) & S. 227 the Strengthening Education through Research Act (SETRA) grows among activists.

New Initiative Launched to Engage Parents in Fighting Common Core

Parents Against the Common Core is a new initiative launched by American Principles in Action to help engage parents in the fight against the Common Core.

Practical Federalism Forum (Watch Live)

Watch Practical Federalism: How the Federal Government Is Silencing the People on live online from Southern New Hampshire University 11/22/14 at 10:00 am.

Wurman: Common Core Slows American Students’ Math Progression

Ze’ev Wurman, author of a new paper and former senior adviser at U.S. Department of Education, says Common Core Math slows down students’ math progression.

Bobby Jindal Sues U.S. Dept. of Education Over Common Core

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Dept. of Education for pushing the Common Core State Standards and assessments on states.

Bobby Jindal Orders Louisiana Out of Common Core

Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) said he wants Louisiana out of the Common Core State Standards Initiative and its contract with their assessment consortium PARCC.