In the last few days we have seen several incidents where religious liberty is under attack that have been directly correlated to gay rights and marriage.
As a nation, we have rejected the God that created us; the God that blessed us with our nation, our freedom, our rights – everything. The solution is not to be found in an election, legislation, a court decision or a political party.
MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry: All Your Kids Belong To Us
MSNBC Host and Tulane professor Melissa Harris-Perry endorses collective responsibility and “ownership” of children that is harmful to parental rights.
Iowa Senate Should Confirm All Iowa Board of Regents Nominees
Governor Terry Branstad appointed Craig Lang, Robert Cramer and Dr. Subhash Subhai to the Iowa Board of Regents who the Iowa Senate should confirm soon.
David Vaudt Resigns as Iowa State Auditor, Branstad to Appoint Interim
Iowa State Auditor David Vaudt announced his resignation upon his election to the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. An interim will be appointed by Iowa Governor Terry Branstad to complete the rest of his term.
Iowa State Senator Matt McCoy took to the Iowa Senate floor to mark Iowa’s DOMA law being overturned 4 years ago & the Governor’s Conference on LGBTQ Youth.
Contraceptives and the Pro-Life Christian, A Conundrum
It is time for Protestant Christians to also speak out about the sinfulness of using artificial contraceptives and the behavior it can result from its use.