Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 3-5-16 (Topics: GOP Debate & Super Tuesday)
Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers discuss Super Tuesday, the state of the 2016 race, and the Fox News GOP Debate this week on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio.
Shane Vander Hart: Ben Carson announced that he wonât debate on Thursday, but the movement is continuing on and never said he was suspending his campaign.
Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 2-27-15 (Guest: Matt Windschitl)
This week on the Truth Network 99.3 FM, we talk to State Rep. Matt Windschitl about five gun bills that passed the Iowa House, plus the CNN/Telemundo Debate.
Shane Vander Hart offers a recap of the CBS News Republican debate in Greenville, SC and how he believed each of the candidates did in their 9th debate.
Shane Vander Hart: Donald Trump doesnât have the courage to take questions from Megyn Kelly yet we are to believe he is ready to take on Vladmir Putin?
Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers talk to Dr. Duke Pesta of FreedomProject Education about his new video Common Core: From Farce to Failure on Truth 99.3 FM.
Graham: Huckabee offers voters a record of accomplishment against nearly impossible odds odds that shows Huckabee has leadership abilities needed in 2017.
Brian Myers and Shane Vander Hart discuss the Fox News GOP Debate and talk to U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) about Planned Parenthood and the Iran Deal.
Shane Vander Hart says that Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Marco Rubio were winners of the two debates hosted by Fox News on Thursday.