Haley Barbourā€™s Not Running

Governor Haley Barbour (R-MS) announced this afternoon that he is not runningā€¦

Boehnerā€™s Dud of a Budget Deal

The Congressional Budget Office announced yesterday the deal made by House Speakerā€¦

Our 2012 GOP Presidential Straw Poll (Update: Now Closed)

Update: For those of you who are still having issuesā€¦ Iā€™m notā€¦

Republican 2012 Presidential Hopefuls Demand Full Defunding of Planned Parenthood

Susan B. Anthony List contacted several Presidential candidates to see where theyā€¦

Haley Barbour Running Seems Unlikely

Listening to what Mississippi Governor Haley Barbourā€™s wife, Marsha Barbour, had toā€¦

The Haley Barbour and Mike Huckabee Love Fest

Jonathan Martin had a post up at POLITICO today that indicated thatā€¦

Gov. Haley Barbour: Campaign On Policy, Focus On Economic Growth

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour spoke at Steve Kingā€™s Conservative Principles PAC Conferenceā€¦

Social Conservatives Speak at Conservative Principles PAC Conference in Des Moines

Representatives from various social conservative organizations spoke at Steve Kingā€™s Conservative Principlesā€¦

Haley Barbourā€™s Social Conservative Problem in Iowa

Karen Tumulty of The Washington Post this last night shared a summaryā€¦

Early & Incomplete Iowa Caucus Poll: Mike Huckabee Leads, Sarah Palin Strong Despite Absence in Iowa

Iā€™ve been focused on other things this week, but now that weā€™veā€¦

The Iowa Caucus Campaign Season Kick-Off

The campaign season for the Iowa Caucus feels like it finally arrivedā€¦

Ron Paul is Right on Libya; Rest of GOP Field Dead Wrong! (Updated)

Two days ago I wrote a blog entry entitled How Close areā€¦

CPAC Review: Haley Barbour Gave a Promising Speech

Governor Haley Barbour (R-MS) proudly proclaimed at CPAC the virtues of ā€œdemocraticā€¦

The FAMiLY Leader Hosting Pawlenty, Santorum, Gingrich, Cain & Bachman for Iowa Lecture Series

*Bumped and Updated* Original ā€“ 8:30am: Not to be outdone by theā€¦

Ignoring the Truth Wonā€™t Make it Go Away.

My dear friend Jan Mickelson[1] at WHO-Radio has virtually thrown in theā€¦

Michele Bachmann for President? Who Will Be in the 2012 GOP Field?

ABC News says that perhaps those talking about the  2012 speculation surroundingā€¦