Health Care Reform Approval/Disapproval Gap Widening Again

After a small bounce right after it was passed, the gap widens…

President Obama’s Temporary Victory Lap in Iowa City

Watching the video of his speech after the fact, and in his…

Planned Parenthood Also Knows Obama’s Executive Order on Abortion is a Ruse

Planned Parenthood is generally happy with the new health care reform law. …

Faith and Politics: Good Stewardship Meets Civic Duty

This question was put to me recently, “Can we be Christians who…

House Health Care Vote By The Numbers

Tom McClusky had a great breakdown of last night’s vote provided by…

The Stupak Charade

I think Wesley Smith at Secondhand Smoke articulated well how damaging Representative…

90 Seconds to Government Run Healthcare

Incase you are confused about the whole reconciliation, Slaughter Rule, and process…

Democrats Reveal Facts About Health Care

Interesting video compilation, certainly *nothing* is taken out of context, but it…

Palin on Hannity: ObamaCare Push Goes Against Will of the People (and Constitution)

Sarah Palin was on Fox News’ Hannity tonight talking ObamaCare, the implications…

Gibbons: Boswell Out of Touch With Iowans on Health Care

Jim Gibbons, Republican candidate for Congress in Iowa’s Third Congressional District, announced…

Some Polls Are Pure Poppycock

The Iowa Independent highlighted a poll that showed a majority of Iowans…

Interview with Iowa Third Congressional Candidate – Jim Gibbons

I had the opportunity to sit down yesterday at Smokey Row with…

The State of the Union’s Recycled Rhetoric

I missed watching the whole State of the Union speech live last…

Scott Brown, the 41st Vote

You may not be aware, but there is a crucial election that…

Bachmann on the B-Cast: A Conservative Call to Action

Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN) calling us to get involved and let our…

What is a Right?

Fox News’ Judge Napolitano succinctly explains the difference between rights and goods…