Thanks Obama – The Coming Shortage Of Doctors And Hospitals That Will Destroy American Health Care

As you read this article, there are not nearly enough doctors and…

Constitution? Are you serious?

There’s been a lot of talk about the unconstitutionality of the procedure…

Shell Games, Shakedowns and Health Care Shenanigans

Throughout this whole health care reform business weā€™ve seen a lot of…

The True Costs of Healthcare

 By Dave Funk As we move closer to the demise of this…

Mediocrity in Senate Results in ā€œEpic Failā€ for Health Care

Epic Fail -A mistake of such monumental proportions that it requires its…

Free Healthcare for All… Except Vets

From CNN: WASHINGTON (CNN) — Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki confirmed Tuesday…

HuckPac Vertical Day (Update – 7:53pm)

I’d be remiss not mentioning that Vertical Day is going on today…