Missouri Voters Reject Mandatory Health Insurance

Yesterday Missouri voters had the chance to vote on Proposition C which…

ObamaCare – It’s Bad, It’s Worse… It’s Ugly

I’ve been watching the coverage from both sides on ObamaCare and what…

Congressman Pete Stark: The Federal Government Can Do Almost Anything in This Country

The Golden Gate Minutemen produced a video showing a woman questioning Congressman…

Mike Huckabee: Broken Promises

By Mike Huckabee I’m sure you will remember back in March, when…

Obama Administration to Monitor Obesity

Furthering the death spiral to America being transformed into a nanny state……

Pelosi to Musicians: Quit Your Jobs Taxpayers Will Cover Your Healthcare

One of the benefits of the recent health care legislation according to…

Romney Meets Branstad

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was in Iowa on Monday as part…

Repeal and Replace With Real Reform

Yuval Levin in The Weekly Standard wrote an article entitled “Repeal.”  In…

Sarah Palin, Tea Party Take Aim in Searchlight

The Tea Party Express stopped in Searchlight, NV in Senate Majority Leader…

A Syllogism For Fools

My friend and fellow political junkie Breanne Hammett posted the following observation…

House Health Care Vote By The Numbers

Tom McClusky had a great breakdown of last night’s vote provided by…

The Stupak Charade

I think Wesley Smith at Secondhand Smoke articulated well how damaging Representative…

Funk: Obamacare is Unconstitutional

From Dave Funk, Republican Candidate for Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District Leonard Boswell…

A New Way Forward

By Jim Gibbons, Republican Candidate for Iowa’s Third Congressional District Yesterday, Congressman…

Early Iowa GOP Reaction to Obamacare Passing House

As most of you are probably aware the Senate Health Reform Bill…

Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz: Executive Order Can’t Change Law

Which basically makes this meaningless.  Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) admits on…