John Kasich’s Organization is Wanting

Ohio Governor John Kasich has not demonstrated an ability to run an effective national campaign, and a recent mistake in Oregon creates further doubt.

Ted Cruz: “America Is at a Point of Choosing”

Ted Cruz in Philadelphia called upon Republicans, conservatives, and all Americans who want to change the direction of our country to unite.

Wisconsin Results Are a Bad Sign for Kasich

Adam Graham: Whether itā€™s after New York votes or the following Tuesday if John Kasich canā€™t turn his campaign around soon, he needs to end it.

And Santorum Rested…

David Brody at CBN notedĀ Rick Santorum’s decision to take 4 days off…

Why the Romney Needs to Be Inevitable Now

Mitt Romney wants to be inevitable. Mitt Romney’s supporters are pushing the…

Rick Santorum’s Polling in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Primary is on April 24th and the release of a…