Common Core Math Standards Won’t Prepare Students for STEM

Pioneer Institute paper states that the Common Core State Standards won’t prepare high school graduates to pursue four-year degrees in STEM fields.

Chuck Grassley: Fed Involvement in Common Core Undermines Federalism

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) in a Pioneer Institute/American Principles Project white paper criticized the federal coercision present with the Common Core.

9.7 Million Twitter Users Reached During #StopCommonCore Twitter Rally

9,788,450 Twitter users to #StopCommonCore to call on ordinary citizens to join and lobby for repeal of Common Core State Standards.

Six Reasons Why Conservatives (Should) Object to the Common Core

Kathleen Porter-Magee and Sol Stern ask in the National Review why conservatives object to the Common Core State Standards. Here are six reasons.

New Study Suggests Remedies for Common Core’s Literature Deficit

A new study released by Pioneer Institute shows that states that have adopted the Common Core State Standards should include a literature-based standard.

What Will It Cost Iowa to Implement the Common Core State Standards?

The Pioneer Institute, American Principles Project and Pacific Research Institute released a…

How Much Will Implementing the Common Core State Standards Cost South Carolina?

The Pioneer Institute, American Principles Project and Pacific Research Institute released a…

Common Core State Standards Estimated Cost is $16 Billion for States

Cost far exceeds sums doled out in federal grants used to persuade…

Blocking the Common Core State Standards from South Carolina

State Senator Mike Fair (R-Greenville) introduced S. 604 last session which is…

Is The U.S. Dept. of Education Violating Federal Law by Directing Standards, Tests & Curricula?

BOSTON, MA —Despite three federal laws that prohibit federal departments or agencies…