The ‘White Replacement Theory’ Mess Collin Brendemuehl: “It is easy to bait people, especially the reactionary, to get the desired result and advance an agenda.” Collin BrendemuehlAugust 26, 20213 minute read
Three Books Addressing the Church Engaging Today’s Culture Collin Brendemuehl critiques Christianity and Wokeness by Owen Strachan, Fault Lines by Voddie Baucham, and We Will Not Be Silenced by Erwin Lutzer. Collin BrendemuehlAugust 6, 20214 minute read
The Southern Baptist Convention Is At A Crossroads Shane Vander Hart: Southern Baptists need to cooperatively, concisely affirm what is vital for churches to remain in cooperation with one another. Shane Vander HartJune 7, 20214 minute read
Graham: Trivial Issues Distract from the Change Needed in Light of the Floyd Killing Adam Graham: Real leadership would bring Americans together around common-sense reforms addressing the problems raised by the death of George Floyd. Adam GrahamJune 23, 20204 minute read
Beto O’Rourke: “Our Country Was Founded On Racism” Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke of Texas said at an Arkansas Democratic Party event that the United States was founded on racism. Shane Vander HartAugust 19, 20192 minute read
Hidden Figures and Change Making Kelvey Vander Hart: The African American ladies of 1960’s NASA Langley portrayed in Hidden Figures teach us important lessons about change making. Kelvey Vander HartFebruary 2, 20173 minute read
Mike Huckabee Releases New Video Addressing Race in America Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee on Thursday released a new video which highlights his record fighting for racial reconciliation in the deep South. Caffeinated ThoughtsJuly 16, 20151 minute read
Caffeinated Thought of the Day: No Justice in Anarchy Brian Myers: We seem to choose sides based on racial assumptions and make our demands for “justice.” We have to allow our justice system to work. Brian MyersDecember 10, 20141 minute read
If President Obama Could Have Been Trayvon Martin President Obama’s remarks on Trayvon Martin Friday were neither wise or fruitful in advancing a healthy discussion about the Zimmerman verdict. Rob FairclothJuly 24, 20134 minute read
Hot Topic: Trayvon Martin Well, I figure it’s about time to weigh in on the travesty… Dean ButterfieldMarch 28, 20122 minute read
Pro-Life Billboard Removed, Exclusive Interview with Lamar Advertising Exec Billboards usually stay up at least a month, and often longer, depending… David ShedlockFebruary 26, 20114 minute read
Obama’s Stupid(ly) Remark During the wonderful press conference President Obama gave last night… now you… Shane Vander HartJuly 23, 20093 minute read
Holder: We’re a ‘Nation of Cowards’ With Things Racial Attorney General Eric Holder in his remarks given to the Department of… Shane Vander HartFebruary 18, 20092 minute read
Small Acts That Impact My friend, Drew, shared on his blog a story about Bishop Desmond… Shane Vander HartSeptember 20, 20082 minute read
I Have a Dream Forty-five years ago today Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous… Shane Vander HartAugust 28, 20087 minute read