Ephesians 6 Is Not a Call to Arms in the Culture War

Shane Vander Hart: Ephesians 6 does not describe preparation for a fight against a political ideology but preparation for spiritual warfare.

Soli Deo Gloria: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Martin Luther wrote in his famous hymn, “A mighty fortress is our God, A bulwark never failing; Our helper he amid the flood, Of mortal ills prevailing.”

Fighting the Wrong War

Adam Graham: The battle over Confederate memorials is the wrong war, what Charlottesville demonstrated is that our nation is in serious spiritual trouble.

Why Do We Trust Them?

Shedlock: As as far as politics is concerned, sinners are simply acting according to their nature. We seem baffled that candidates lie, but they all do.

Culture’s Clash with Christianity

There is a palpable and open hostility towards Christianity and God’s Word…

Ten Reasons Christians Are Called To Pray

Prayer is something that many of us struggle with and don’t do…