Rene Gadelha Announces Iowa Senate District 34 Bid
Linn-Mar School Board Director Rene Gadelha announced for Iowa Senate District 34, which includes the cities of Marion, Robins, Hiawatha, Ely, and Bertram.
Soderberg Resigns, Branstad Sets Special Election for November 3
Gov. Branstad directed a special election in Iowa House District 5 to be held on 11/3/15 following the resignation of State Rep. Chuck Soderberg (R-LeMars).
A round-up of statements and social media posts from GOP presidential candidates and elected officials remembering the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
Linda Upmeyer Selected as Next Speaker of the Iowa House
State Representative Linda Upmeyer was selected as the next Speaker of the Iowa House. State Representative Chris Hagenow elected as House Majority Leader.
1300 Activists Protest Planned Parenthood at #TruthExposed Rally
1300 pro-life activists gathered at the Iowa State Capitol grounds to listen to 19 different speakers protesting taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.
#TruthExposed Rally Against Planned Parenthood on August 15
An Iowa Rally to END Trafficking of Dead Baby Parts and EXPOSE the abortion industry will be held on August 15, 2015 at the Iowa State Capitol at 10 am.
Kraig Paulsen to Resign as Iowa Speaker of the House
Speaker Kraig Paulsen announced he will step down as Iowa Speaker of the House, Majority Leader Linda Upmeyer states she would seek the speaker’s gavel.
Iowa Gov. Branstad Orders Review of Planned Parenthood Funding
Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad announced he is ordering a review of a family planning block grant that Planned Parenthood could potentially receive funding from.
Branstad & Iowa Legislature Pushed to Defund Planned Parenthood
Petition calls on Iowa Governor Terry Branstad to investigate Planned Parenthood in light of video exposing Planned Parenthood harvesting baby body parts.
Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad Appoints Ryan Wise as Education Director
Iowa Gov. Terry E. Branstad today announced that he has named Iowa Department of Education deputy director Ryan Wise as the new director of the department.
People, news outlets, and politicians who call a Supreme Court decision “the law of the land” drive me absolutely nuts, Robert P. George has a suggestion.