Arminianism and Calvinism: Total Depravity vs. Free Will

A comparison of Arminianism and Calvinism first looks at the Calvinist doctrine of total depravity in contrast to the Arminian doctrine of free will.

TULIP Redefined by Emergents

I think Iā€™ll keep the originalā€¦ HT: Calvinistic Cartoons

Nerdy Theological Humor: Why Dour Calvinists Can Be Cheerful This Christmas

Ten reasons given by John Mark Reynolds, and being a Calvinist Iā€¦

Piper on Irresistible Grace

John Piper covers the ā€œIā€ in the T.U.L.I.P. of Calvinism.

Jonathan Edwards: Perseverance of the Saints

Big hat-tip to Adrian Warnock for this passage from Jonathan Edwardsā€™ Sermonsā€¦

The 12 Days of Calvinism

This is not intended for theological debate :), but I enjoy theologicalā€¦