
Friday, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin had a press availability day, and The Anchorage Daily News and Conservatives 4 Palin are reporting an interesting comment that she made regarding Levi Johnston’s claim that he had been allowed to live with Bristol in their Wasilla home.

In response to a question from a television reporter, Palin also talked about some of the ongoing drama surrounding her family. Levi Johnston said during an interview on CBS’s “Early Show” that he moved into the governor’s house a few weeks before Bristol Palin gave birth to their child.

"I know the truth about my family. I know details about whether Levi Johnston was allowed to live with my teenage daughter or not. By the way, it would be over my dead body that a kid would live with my teenage daughter," Palin said.

Tell us how you really feel, Governor Palin.  This is an example of why she is loved my mainstream America.

The consensus in blogs that I read regarding his appearance on Tyra Banks and the CBS Early Show was that it was classless (times two) and demonstrated bad judgment, with the exception of one (but, he seems to be suffering from a mild case of PDS).  I thought that when news of Bristol’s pregnancy broke that the Palin’s handled it very well and were very gracious to him.  It is unfortunate things are turning out this way for Bristol and for him.  At some point he is going to have to think about the long term consequences of his actions.  I hope that it is sooner rather than later.

I thought his claim that he lived in the Palin home was off, and I am glad that Governor Palin is setting the record straight on that issue.  I would certainly feel the same way.  Something like that happening in my home with my daughter wouldn’t happen with my knowledge.  It would be over my dead body (and quite possibly the boy’s… well ok, no because I don’t think prison suits me).  She spoke to the Johnston issue again on a local radio show hosted by Eddie Burke.  You can listen below that specific topic begins at the 4:38 mark in Part I and picks up in Part II.


Update: Linked by Why Mommy Is A Republican and Let’s Get It Right (he also has video of the press conference).
2nd Update (4/12/09): PDS sufferer Dan Fagan of ADN wrote a piece regarding Levi Johnston, great rebuttal by Joseph Russo which also pokes some holes in the claim that Levi lived with the Palins.
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