Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) impressed me with his rationale behind his decision to vote no on Solicitor General Elena Kagan’s nomination to the United State Supreme Court.  He brought up her work against the partial birth abortion ban, citing international law, her inability to defend DOMA, etc.  He cited her inability to discuss where our rights come from.  He brought up 12-13 reasons why he was voting no, and in my opinion made a great argument against her nomination.  I encourage you to watch the remarks in full below:

Contrast Senator Grassley’s action with the that of his colleague, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC).  He said he would vote for Kagan’s nomination because he believes that elections matter.

Yes they do, somebody needs to primary Senator Graham and show him just how right he is.  Just because President Obama won the election doesn’t mean that you have to rubber stamp all of his nominations.

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