I’m amazed at what the media is throwing at Delaware Senate Candidate Christine O’Donnell, right before the weekend started I received an email from WashPo…  “VIDEO of Christine O’Donnell – “I’m going to stop the whole country from having sex.”

Well she didn’t actually say that, she was responding to a snarky comment from in a 2003 exchange with Eric Niles on MSNBC, video below:

Then Greg Sargent at WashPo’s The Plum Line quips, “This exchange has been written about before here and there. But this is the first time video has surfaced of it, making it likely that it will get another round of coverage and some airing on cable, since it reveals rather clearly how ambitious and zealous her abstinence crusade really was.”

Yes because she thinks teens and college students actually can exercise self-control and that the attitude that “they’re just going to do it anyway” is defeatist and unhealthy, she’s believed by the Beltway politicos to be some sort of radical.

News flash – her views are mainstream.  How is this relevant to her Senate campaign again?  It shows you that those on the left can’t argue on the issues, instead they have to dredge up video of her promoting abstinence or slam her about a 1999 video where she admits she dabbled in Witchcraft.  You would think with Chris Coons having a nine point lead in the latest Rasmussen poll Democrats would feel a little more confident, but then again the Democrat electorate isn’t as motivated and a Castle write-in campaign could hurt, as the Rasmussen poll shows, Harry Reid’s pet.  They wouldn’t want to see him lose the opportunity to bring Yale Divinity School values to the U.S. Senate, because I’m *sure* that represents the mainstream as well.  Learning about witchcraft, queer worship, liberation and feminist theology is all the rage on Main Street.

But no, let’s focus what O’Donnell believes about abstinence and that she dabbled with witchcraft in high school.

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