imageLet me say off the bat that I am not a fan, at all, of most of the ministries that were under investigation.  Many of them promote a health and wealth gospel which is contrary to what the Bible teaches.

I also think that many of the pastors involved are overpaid and budgets are too lavish.  However, I also think that it is none of the federal government’s business, and so I’m glad that Senator Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA)  investigation into six different churches/ministries has come to an end.

If the people who attend or who give to these churches are not happy with the fiscal practices of these congregations they can vote with their feet and/or wallets.  With Senator Grassley being a lifelong Baptist I was surprised when he started this investigation back in 2007.  Would he have liked his church being investigated?

Somehow, I doubt it.

HT: Iowa Freedom Report

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