Go to Patterico’s Pontifications to see the play-by-play. Also, check out this Patterico’s Pontifications posting. And DRJ, a highly respected former PP author, provides this link to CNN showing Google’s leftist ties to Obama.

Seriously, folks, this is just more proof the Left hates any free speech that harms the Left.

As the saying goes, Liberals want to shut Conservatives up; Conservatives want Liberals to keep talking.

And as the new saying goes, Get the heck off of Blogger!

Althouse gives Patterico the lowdown. Nightcruzr, the Google tech guy who should be fired and beaten to a pulp has been caught in all his inglorious naked evil.

And apparently, despite Nightcruzr’s absolute evil intents, Ann Althouse’s blog is back up and running.

(Note to Shane: I did not change the title for this cross-post as I felt it fit as best as it could and I also felt it imperative this got out as widely as possible. If you feel the need to change the title, feel free.)

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