My first reaction to this title: “25% of UK Women Under 16 Admit They’ve Engaged in Premarital Sex” was that this is part of the underlying challenge to our pro-life efforts. Since contraception costs money, risks embarrassment, is awkward and inconvenient, can be medically deleterious, and—above all—fails from time to time, a sexually promiscuous society is strongly tempted to get rid of the babies that are “accidentally” conceived.

Image via Wikipedia

Then I read the article. Kudos to Wintery Knight for seeing things dead on. In the blog post, Wintery Knight connects Planned Parenthood’s sex education agenda to increased premarital sex and to the destruction of marriage. The Knight is right. To push the Knight’s point further, when there is no marriage or when the marriage is not stable, the woman can be tempted to view a newly conceived dependent as a dangerous threat to her lifestyle and the man might consider avoiding future child support costs a sufficient justification to view his unborn baby as a merely “potential life”.

The only cures to the occasional unplanned, unwanted baby are: 

  1. Homosexuality. There no possibility of reproduction when the two types of gametes are kept completely apart.
  2. Abortion. If you didn’t plan your baby, Planned Parenthood has a plan to help you. Kill it.
  3. The God-Ordained Social Order. No sex outside of marriage. The husband is ready and willing to be a man in providing for his family. The wife is ready and willing to be a woman and bear and rear the child God gave her.

This is the rub, of course. The first two options are wrong in my view. The third is wrong in the view of feminists, abortionists, atheists, and libertines.

I advocate for Godly social order and they hate Godly social order. They fight tooth and nail on every conceivable front to destroy it. They fight against Biblical manhood and womanhood. They attack marriage with no-fault divorce, homosexual marriage, delayed marriage, cohabitation, promiscuity. They deny biology itself with sex change surgery, by relativizing gender, and by aborting unborn children. But it is not only Godly social order that they hate. They hate God Himself.

Government-provided sex education, extramarital sex, no-fault divorce, the redefinition of men’s and women’s roles, homosexuality and abortion are inter-related elements in this war between rebellious man and God.

We are not surprised; but we sometimes forget that this is not, ultimately, a political war. It is theological; it is spiritual. God so loved the world that He gave His Son (John 3:16); but many refuse the offer of life. (If you are still alive, it’s not yet too late for you to turn to the Lord.) Why do so many refuse the offer?

They hate God.

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