steve-king1Congressman Steve King (R-IA) announced his intentions to vote in favor of H.R. 3541, the Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act (PRENDA).  The vote on PRENDA will come tomorrow in the House on the heals of an undercover video being released demonstrating Planned Parenthood’s complicity in sex-selective abortions.

Congressman King in a statement released today said, “I am grateful to have the opportunity to support and protect innocent unborn girls who are aborted based solely on their gender.”   He also called on his opponent in the Iowa 4th Congressional District Race, Christie Vilsack, to take a position on this issue and to stand with the 77% of Americans who support legislation “banning abortion in cases where the fact that the developing baby is a girl is the sole reason for seeking an abortion.”

King also stated, "There are more than two hundred million missing little girls who were aborted for the sole reason that they were girls.  The three most dangerous words are ‘it’s a girl,’ but decision time does not happen when you find out the sex of your baby. PRENDA will protect unborn babies from being aborted because it’s about a child, not a choice. I will continue to defend the unborn. There should be no question where to stand because the choice is clear- every child deserves the right to a fulfilling life."

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