Mia Love, GOP Candidate in Utah’s 4th Congressional District

If you only watched MSNBC you’d probably think that the GOP just consists of old white men.  In reality the Republican Party have quite a few strong female leaders, and they have been putting them on display this week.  Including a good number of minority women which I’m sure Chris Matthews is disillusioned over.

I highlighted South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley yesterday, but there were numerous Republican women who took to the stage.  Here are videos of their speeches.

The first speech I’d like to share was given by Mayor Mia Love of Saratoga Springs, UT on Tuesday who is running for Congress in Utah’s 4th Congressional District.

Then Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) gave remarks on Tuesday:

Sher Valenzuela, the GOP Lt. Governor Candidate in Delaware, spoke.

Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) who was on a number of prospective VP candidate lists.

Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin also spoke.

Lucé Fortuño, the First Lady of Puerto Rico, spoke on Tuesday

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley’s speech on Tuesday:

Ann Romney was the 2nd to last speech on Tuesday night.

On Wednesday evening, New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez spoke.

Former Secretary of State Condolezza Rice showed gravitas in her critique of President Obama’s foreign policy.

Not bad for a party that supposedly has declared a “war on women.”

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