9-11-01-flag2Twelve years ago, America’s resolve was tested. In the years since, many have fought tirelessly to preserve the principles that have made this country the greatest the world has ever known. As promised, our military men and women have hunted down terrorists who perpetrated these horrific acts. Justice has been served.

Yet, the threat of radical Islamic terrorism remains real, as evidenced in Syria, Benghazi, Boston, and Fort Hood. We must remain vigilant and fiercely protective of our way of life.

Today is a day for solemn reflection on what it means to be an American and to express our profound gratitude for all those who have sacrificed their lives for that cause. As we pay tribute to the victims of terrorism, mourn with their families, and give our thanks to all who have served, let us also come together and renew our pledge that America always remain the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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