Rev. James Caldwell
Rev. James Caldwell
Rev. James Caldwell

Reverend James Caldwell was pastor of a colonial church in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. When the Revolutionary War broke out, he became a chaplain in the Continental Army. They called him the “soldier parson”. His house was burned by a mob of British loyalists in 1780, and that same year his wife was tragically shot and killed by British soldiers. The following year, Caldwell himself was shot and killed, leaving nine orphaned children. For the Caldwell family, the Revolution and the new nation born out of it was something for which they paid a heavy price indeed. Our nation has enjoyed unparalleled freedom and prosperity for well over two centuries. Let’s always remember it came at a great cost.

This is Brian Myers of Caffeinated Thoughts Radio with your Caffeinated Thought of the Day.

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