Rick Perry at Joni Ernst's Roast and RidePhoto credit: Dave Davidson - Prezography.com
Rick Perry at Joni Ernst’s Roast and Ride
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com

After former Texas Governor Rick Perry’s failed 2012 campaign I hoped that he would run again.  He has a compelling record and having won state-wide office it is obvious that he is skilled politician.  We missed out on that in 2012.

Perry 2.0 appears to be a good upgrade.

Perry who launched his campaign in 2012 after having back surgery is healthy this time around.  He announced his candidacy earlier and has made numerous appearances in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina prior to his announcement.  In Iowa he campaigned for several State Senate and State House candidates.  His announcement speech was electrifying.  He has received an excellent response at events he has attended thus far.

His first swing through Iowa as a candidate can’t be seen as anything, but successful.  He’s energetic, he’s down-to-earth, and he gave, I believe, the best speech of the day at U.S. Senator Joni Ernst’s Roast and Ride.  He also had an impressive presence at the event with an entourage of military heroes such as retired U.S. Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, author of Lone Survivor, and Medal of Honor winner Mike Thornton  who accompanied him on his own motorcycle ride benefitting the Puppy Jake Foundation from Perry, Iowa to Ernst’s event.  Tara Kyle, widow of Chris Kyle the author of American Sniper, was also present with Perry.  His early support among veterans is note worthy.

Perry is also ahead of where he was in 2012 in terms of staff.  He has put together a quality team in Iowa.  Today his campaign also announced their team in New Hampshire and South Carolina.  He has makings of an excellent ground game in the early states that he lacked in 2012 because of his late announcement.

Rick Perry 2.0 is off to a good start and so far color me impressed.

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