(Des Moines, IA) This week U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released a new :60 second TV campaign ad that touts his involvement in bringing the wind energy industry to Iowa. The ad features Mike Garland, the former chairman of the American Wind Energy Association, who calls Grassley “the father of the modern wind industry.”

Watch the ad below:

The transcript is below:

Voice Over: The wind brought water to prairie farms. Then windmills went away, but the wind remained.

Chuck Grassley thought it was time to bring the windmill back.

Mike Garland: Without the Grassley legislation, and his effective leadership, the wind energy industry would not have succeeded.

VO: Now, more than thirty one percent of all the electricity in Iowa comes from wind.

These turbines donā€™t just produce clean energy, they produceĀ jobs.

Six thousand in Iowa alone.

Google, Facebook, Microsoft and good paying manufacturing jobs have come to Iowa for that energy. Iowa produces more of its energy from wind than any other state. It started with a simple idea and the renowned work ethic of one senator.

Garland: Senator Grassley is literally the father of the modern wind industry.

VO: Grassley works.

Chuck Grassley: I’m Chuck Grassley, and I approve this message.

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