We are back with The Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast! Welcome to our 50th episode! We apologize for the hiatus, our host Shane Vander Hart was traveling last week and early this week.

For this episode, Shane introduces a new segment to the podcast – items of interest. This segment is similar to the “news you can use” segment aired on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio. So in addition to interviews, Shane will highlight different stories and events to provide analysis and his opinion which he so freely gives.

For this episode:

  • More Americans say pornography is morally acceptable
  • Religious liberty is officially dead in Canada.
  • President Trump says some interesting things about North Korea’s leader Kim Jung Un.

And later in the podcast, Shane speaks with Jonathan Williams, the Chief Economist and Vice President for the American Legislative Exchange Council who is the author of a new report ranking each governor’s State of the State address, as well as, the Rich States, Poor States Report.

How did Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Legislature do? What is Iowa’s economic outlook?

Listen to the podcast:

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The Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast can only exist due to the generosity of our sponsors.

This show is sponsored in part by American Principles Project, a conservative political think tank in Washington, D.C. American Principles Project believes that human dignity should be at the heart of public policy. They work in all 50 states and in Washington, D.C. to promote life, religious freedom, local control over education, authentic economic progress for working Americans, and a return to constitutional principles, such as federalism. Want to help American Principles Project? Visit their website today. Sign up for e-mail updates, send a small (or large) donation their way, help them out. They are a great group.

Also, be sure to check out Travis Risvold of Modern Woodmen of America. Call Travis at 515-883-0029. He can help you find the life insurance YOU need.

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